UEFA ranking - Calculation method

The UEFA ranking is based on club results obtained in UEFA competitions.
The clubs coefficient ranking is used to determine the pot in which that club is placed, all of the team's results in the competitions are taken into account.
Towards the country rankings, the results of every club of every country are taken into account, this has the purpose of determining the number of teams from each country that are eligible to participate on the following seasons.

Points system

1. With the game results the clubs gain the following points:
  • Win - 2 points;
  • Draw - 1 point;
For the calculation of the country coefficient, the qualifying and "play-off" games are also taken in to account, the points won on those games have half of the value of the points referred before.
NOTE: Penalty shootouts do not interfere with the calculating system.

2. By getting to a certain stage of the competition the club gets bonus points.
1 extra point for reaching each of the following stages:
  • Of the Champions League:
    • Final 16;
    • Quarter finals;
    • Semi finals;
    • Final
  • Of the Europa League:
    • Quarter finals;
    • Semi finals;
    • Final
3. 4 points are given for the presence on the group stage and an extra 4 points are given for qualifying for the last 16 of the Champions League.

Club coefficient calculation

The yearly club points are obtained by adding the points gained in its games, plus the bonus points described before. Qualifying points will also be given tothe club, taking in to account their performance on the qualifying stage. These are not commulative and define a minimum of points that a given club can have, for participating on a phase (qualifying or other) of any UEFA competition. The qualifying points given are:
  • Champions League
    • First qualifying round - 0.5 points
    • Second qualifying round - 1 point

  • Europa League
    • First qualifying round - 0.25 points
    • Second qualifying round - 0.5 points
    • Third qualifying round - 1 point
    • "Play-offs" – 1.5 points
    • Reaching the group stage - 2 points
NOTE: the third qualifying round and "play-off" points are not given as these clubs go on to the Europa League and will receive the corresponding points.
To the result obtained up to this point you must still add 20% of the corresponding country's coefficient (33% before 2009).

Country coefficient calculation

The coefficient is calculated using the mean value of points for the country's clubs, divided by the total number of points obtained by the all the country's clubs that participated in any European competition that season.

Club ranking

For the club ranking the coefficients of the current year and 4 preceding years are added.

Country ranking

For the country ranking, the means of the current year and 4 preceding years are added. 

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