Realejos Ibarra statistics

Head-to-Head in the last 3 years
Date   Home   Away
No results in the last 3 years

All matches in Home/Away condition

Tercera Division 2013/2014 - Group 12

  Home   Away   1st Goal
- Realejos 1-3 Lanzarote - -
  Home   Away   1st Goal
- El Cotillo 2-0 Ibarra - -

Ranking analysis of all matches in Home/Away condition

  Home   Away   1st Goal
  Home   Away   1st Goal


  • Tercera Division 2013/2014
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak 1 1 2
No win... 1 1 2
No draw... 1 1 2
No lose... - - -
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak 1 - 1
Current losing streak - 1 -
No win... 1 1 2
No draw... - 1 -
No lose... 1 - 1


  • Tercera Division 2013/2014
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match 1 - -
Average goals conceded each match 3 2 2.5
Average goals scored+conceded 4 2 2.5
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - 100% 50%
Matches Over 2,5 Goals 100% - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - 100% 50%
Home Global
Scores first (anytime) 0 in 1 0%
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match 1 - -
Average goals conceded each match 1 2 1.5
Average goals scored+conceded 2 2 1.5
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - 100% 50%
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals 100% 100% 100%
Away Global
Scores first (anytime) 0 in 1 0%
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Correct score

  • Tercera Division 2013/2014
  • Last 10 games
Realejos Home Global
Half time Score
- 100% (1)
Total 100% (1)
Full time Score
1-3 100% (1)
Total 100% (1)
Ibarra Away Global
Half time Score
- 100% (1)
Total 100% (1)
Full time Score
2-0 100% (1)
Total 100% (1)
NOTE: Data only to the date of this game, exclusive!
Frequently asked questions

Realejos and Ibarra have not had any head-to-heads in the last 3 years, so you need to check other statistical data to support your bet for this match.

The last Realejos match was for the Tercera Division, as visitors, against Villa Santa Brígida, and ended in a loss by 2-0. The last Ibarra match was for the Tercera Division, at home, against Atlético Victoria, and ended in a draw by 1-1.


Tercera Division

Balmaseda 1-1 Basconia
Artajonés 0-3 Oberena
Telde 2-2 Viera
Santfeliuenc 2-1 Gramenet
Bermeo 0-1 Santutxu
UD Melilla II 2-1 Los Villares
Santoña 0-0 Pontejos
Oiartzun 2-1 Elgoibar
Murcia II 1-2 El Palmar
Felanitx 1-0 Rotlet Molinar
Pasaia 0-2 Leioa
Burladés 1-1 Txantrea
Cortes 2-2 Pamplona
Peña 1-1 San Marcial
Buelna 0-4 Gimnástica
Mutilvera 1-0 Corellano
Erriberri 1-2 Iruña
Beti Onak 0-2 Valle Egüés
Estrella 0-3 Mensajero
Realejos 0-1 Ibarra
Pradejón 0-3 Vianés
Albacete II 0-1 Mora
Ibañés 4-1 EF Zona 5
Urraca 1-0 Covadonga
Vilassar 0-0 Vilafranca
Saguntino 3-0 Villarreal III
Jove 5-1 Acero
Muleño 3-1 Independiente
Binissalem 3-0 Penya
Llosetense 1-1 Atlético Rafal
Durango 1-0 Lagun Onak
San Juan 0-0 Huarte
Laguna 5-3 Santa Brígida
Alberite 1-2 Alfaro
Cayón 1-0 Albericia
Barreda 2-1 Ribamontán
Escobedo 2-1 Guarnizo
Unami 0-1 Bembibre
Barbastro 4-2 Brea
Eldense 1-0 Cullera
Cieza 0-0 Edeco Fortuna
Collerense 2-5 Manacor
Luarca 1-4 Lugones
L'Entregu 7-0 Andés
Oviedo II 1-0 Gijón
Ascó 1-0 Rapitenca
Llosa 1-2 Muro
Las Zocas 3-1 Tenerife II
Alcázar 2-0 Manchego
Illescas 0-3 La Gineta
Bezana 1-2 Laredo
Conil 1-0 Arcos
SJ Promesas 3-1 Santa Amalia
CD Coria 3-0 Fuente Cantos
Paterna 0-2 Alzira
Marbella 3-1 Ronda
Marino 4-1 Vera
A Madrid III 4-2 Los Yébenes SB
Alcúdia 3-1 Mercadal
Málaga II 2-0 Antequera
Tapia 2-2 Avilés II
Totana 2-5 FC Jumilla
Retuerto 1-2 Amurrio
Alavés II 1-0 Portugalete
SF Henares 0-1 Torrejón
Rayo II 2-1 Aravaca
Trival 0-1 Paracuellos
Carabanchel 0-0 AD Parla
Alcorcón II 5-3 Atlético Pinto
Colmenar 1-1 Inter Madrid
Vicálvaro 0-2 Adarve
Alquián 1-0 Atarfe
Puertollano 3-2 Azuqueca
Zaragoza II 3-1 Almudévar
Coria 3-1 Mairena
Pobla 0-1 Masnou
Borriol 2-0 Pinoso
Formentera 1-0 Ferriolense
Poblense 0-0 Peña
Zamudio 0-3 Zalla
Pozuelo 3-1 SS Reyes
Majadahonda 2-3 Collado Villal
Villegas 0-0 Calahorra
Huércal 0-1 Vélez
Loja 1-1 Maracena
Estepona 1-2 Linares
Santander II 0-0 Gama
Lermeño 1-0 Santa Marta
Valladolid II 0-1 Almazán
Virgen Camino 1-0 Segoviana
Bupolsa 2-1 Astorga
Oliver 1-2 Monzón
La Palma 0-2 Roque Lepe
Azuaga 2-2 UD Badajoz
Plasencia 0-1 Mérida
Escalerillas 3-2 Altorricón
Ceares 0-0 Langreo
Yaiza 0-1 Granadilla
San Isidro 1-0 Lanzarote
El Cotillo 1-1 Victoria
Tenisca 1-1 Vecindario
Figueres 1-0 Terrassa
Tamarite 1-0 Cuarte
Manlleu 0-1 Cornellà
Alfaro 1-2 Agoncillo
La Calzada 2-3 Náxara
Lenense 0-1 Lealtad
Tuilla 2-1 U Oviedo
Selaya 1-2 Siete Villas
Numancia II 0-1 Cristo Atl
Calatayud 1-0 Ebro
Sabiñánigo 1-1 Villanueva
San Rafael 0-0 Platges
Lagun Artea 1-4 Valtierrano
River Ebro 1-3 Oyonesa
Praviano 2-0 Condal
Colindres 0-0 Vimenor
Rubí 3-1 Palamós
Cerdanyola 1-0 Santboià
Montañesa 5-1 Castelldefels
Utiel 0-2 La Nucía
UCAM 2-0 Cartagena
Santanyí 2-8 Mallorca II
Montuïri 2-4 Campos
Gernika 2-0 Arenas Getxo
Sodupe 1-2 Beasain
As Pontes 0-0 Betanzos
Laracha 1-0 Alondras
Grixoa 0-1 Pontevedra
Villalbés 1-0 Negreira
Choco 2-1 Órdenes
Dorneda 0-3 Boiro
Cerceda 3-1 Somozas
Osasuna II 1-1 Murchante
Alcalá 0-0 Aranjuez
Anguiano 1-3 Haro Deportivo
Calasancio 0-3 Varea
Arnedo 0-2 Berceo
Almansa 2-1 Talavera
Hellín 0-1 Villarrubia
Cudillero 0-2 Candás
Cantabria 2-1 Castro
Cebrereña 1-1 La Bañeza
Becerril 0-1 Tordesillas
Ávila 6-2 La Granja
Tarazona 3-5 Ejea
Illueca 1-2 Borja
Ayamonte 0-2 Huelva II
Novelda 1-1 Ribarroja
Yeclano 2-1 Huércal Overa
Minera 2-0 La Unión
Bullense 2-0 Plus Ultra
Pulpileño 0-3 Mar Menor
Bertamiráns 1-1 Bouzas
Arosa 2-0 La Coruña II
Cultural Areas 0-0 Barbadás
Quintanar 3-2 Madridejos
Europa 3-1 Gavà
Castellón 1-2 Orihuela
Los Molinos 5-0 San Pedro
Martos 1-2 Mancha Real
Villacarrillo 2-0 Huétor Tájar
Socuéllamos 2-0 Manzanares
Andorra CF 0-0 Teruel
Roque Cádiz 3-1 Cádiz II
Pozoblanco 0-1 San Juan
Ceuta 0-1 Betis II
Miajadas 1-1 CP Olivenza
Valverdeño 3-3 Plasencia
Hernán Cortés 2-1 Extremadura
Pueblonuevo 0-3 Jerez
Villarrobledo 3-0 Pedroñeras
Cirbonero 0-1 Izarra
Xerez 1-2 Alcalá
Cabecense 3-0 Sevilla III
Lebrijana 1-1 Gerena
Díter 1-3 Villanovense
Torrevieja 1-0 Torre Levante
Don Benito 3-0 Cacereño II

Tercera Division - 2013/2014

  • 100% 7090 / 7090 Games

  • Home team wins 46.83%
  • Draws 24.41%
  • Away team wins 28.76%
  • Over 1.5 72.24%
  • Over 2.5 48.11%
  • Over 3.5 27.55%
  • Goals 18612
  • Goals /match 2.63
  • Goals /match home 1.52
  • Goals /match away 1.1
  • Both teams score 47.72%
  • Goals after 80' 0%
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