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Liga I 1999/2000


winner Winner
Top goal scorer


Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Rapid 1-1 Astra
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 1-0 U Craiova
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Farul 0-2 Dinamo
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-3 Oţelul
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 1-1 FCM Bacău
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 5-1 FCSB
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 2-1 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 24.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 2-1 Argeş Piteşti
Fri 30.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 2-1 Braşov
Sat 31.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 5-0 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 31.Jul.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 2-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 31.Jul.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 1-0 Oneşti
Sat 31.Jul.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 8-2 Extensiv
Sat 31.Jul.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 0-0 Rapid
Sat 31.Jul.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 1-1 Farul
Sun 01.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 1-0 Petrolul
Tue 03.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 2-2 FCM Bacău
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Farul 2-0 U Craiova
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 1-2 FCSB
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 2-1 Oţelul
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 1-0 Astra
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 1-2 Gl Bistriţa
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 0-6 Dinamo
Wed 04.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 0-2 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 1-3 Rapid
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 2-2 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 2-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 4-0 Petrolul
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 3-2 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 1-0 Braşov
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 3-0 Oneşti
Sat 07.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Astra 3-2 Farul
Sun 08.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 3-0 Extensiv
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Rapid 1-0 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Farul 3-0 FCM Bacău
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 3-0 Oţelul
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 2-0 Extensiv
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 1-1 Ceahlăul
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 2-5 Astra
Sat 14.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 3-1 Gl Bistriţa
Sun 15.Aug.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 1-2 Dinamo
Sun 15.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 3-0 FCSB
Wed 18.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 2-0 Ceahlăul
Fri 20.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 3-1 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 21.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 3-0 Oneşti
Sat 21.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 2-0 Rapid
Sat 21.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-0 Braşov
Sat 21.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 2-1 Farul
Sat 21.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 1-0 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 21.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 2-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sun 22.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 4-1 Petrolul
Sun 22.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Astra 2-0 U Craiova
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Rapid 2-1 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 2-3 FCM Bacău
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 1-1 Oţelul
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 2-1 Extensiv
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 1-2 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 1-3 Ceahlăul
Sat 28.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 2-1 Petrolul
Sun 29.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Farul 2-1 FCSB
Sun 29.Aug.1999 - 01:00 Astra 1-2 Dinamo
Fri 10.Sep.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 5-0 FC Municipal Resita
Fri 10.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 1-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 11.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 3-0 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 11.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 2-1 Oneşti
Sat 11.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 2-1 Farul
Sat 11.Sep.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 1-2 Astra
Sat 11.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 1-0 Braşov
Sat 11.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 1-2 Rapid
Sun 12.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 1-1 U Craiova
Fri 17.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 4-0 Rocar Bucureşti
Fri 17.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Astra 0-1 Ceahlăul
Sat 18.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Rapid 2-0 Petrolul
Sat 18.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 2-0 Extensiv
Sat 18.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Farul 1-1 Oţelul
Sat 18.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 3-2 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 18.Sep.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 0-0 Argeş Piteşti
Sun 19.Sep.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 1-2 FCSB
Fri 24.Sep.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 4-1 Astra
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 3-1 Braşov
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 1-2 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-1 Farul
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 3-1 FCM Bacău
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 2-0 U Craiova
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 1-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 25.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 0-0 Oneşti
Sun 26.Sep.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 0-1 Rapid
Fri 01.Oct.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 4-0 Oţelul
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Rapid 2-1 Braşov
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 2-0 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Farul 1-0 Extensiv
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 2-1 FCSB
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 5-1 Petrolul
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 1-1 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 02.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Astra 0-1 Argeş Piteşti
Sun 03.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 2-2 Dinamo
Sun 03.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Astra 1-1 Progresul Bucureşti
Fri 15.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 3-0 Ceahlăul
Fri 15.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 3-1 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 16.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 0-1 Astra
Sat 16.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 1-0 U Craiova
Sat 16.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 1-1 FCM Bacău
Sat 16.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 0-0 Farul
Sat 16.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 1-0 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 16.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 5-1 Oneşti
Sun 17.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 2-1 Rapid
Fri 22.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 2-2 Petrolul
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 3-0 Extensiv
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 2-3 Rapid
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Farul 0-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 1-0 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 1-0 Oţelul
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 3-2 Braşov
Sat 23.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Astra 2-1 Gl Bistriţa
Sun 24.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 1-1 Dinamo
Tue 26.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Oţelul 3-0 Ceahlăul
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Rapid 3-1 Oneşti
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 1-3 Dinamo
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-0 FCM Bacău
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Braşov 3-2 Farul
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Petrolul 0-0 U Craiova
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Extensiv 0-1 Astra
Wed 27.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 4-0 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Dinamo 4-0 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FCSB 2-1 Oţelul
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 U Craiova 2-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Farul 1-1 Rapid
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 1-0 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 1-0 Extensiv
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Oneşti 1-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 30.Oct.1999 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 3-1 Braşov
Sun 31.Oct.1999 - 01:00 Astra 2-0 Petrolul
Wed 03.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Rapid 1-2 Ceahlăul
Wed 03.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FCM Bacău 0-3 Dinamo
Fri 05.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Oţelul 1-2 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 06.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Rapid 4-0 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 06.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Progresul Bucureşti 6-0 Farul
Sat 06.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Braşov 0-1 U Craiova
Sat 06.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Petrolul 1-0 FCM Bacău
Sat 06.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Extensiv 0-0 Ceahlăul
Sat 06.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Rocar Bucureşti 2-1 Astra
Sun 07.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Oneşti 2-4 Dinamo
Wed 10.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Gl Bistriţa 4-0 FCSB
Fri 12.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Farul 3-1 Oneşti
Sat 13.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FCSB 5-2 Extensiv
Sat 13.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Argeş Piteşti 2-0 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 13.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Astra 1-1 Braşov
Sun 14.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Dinamo 3-2 Oţelul
Sun 14.Nov.1999 - 00:00 U Craiova 2-0 Rapid
Sun 14.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Ceahlăul 2-0 Petrolul
Sun 14.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FCM Bacău 1-0 Rocar Bucureşti
Sun 14.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FC Municipal Resita 1-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Fri 19.Nov.1999 - 00:00 U Craiova 2-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Dinamo 4-0 Farul
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FCSB 1-4 Petrolul
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Oţelul 0-0 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Ceahlăul 2-0 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Argeş Piteşti 2-0 Extensiv
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FCM Bacău 1-0 Braşov
Sat 20.Nov.1999 - 00:00 FC Municipal Resita 6-1 Oneşti
Sun 21.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Astra 2-3 Rapid
Fri 26.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Braşov 3-1 Ceahlăul
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Rapid 2-1 FCM Bacău
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Progresul Bucureşti 1-0 Astra
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Farul 3-1 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Gl Bistriţa 1-0 Dinamo
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Petrolul 1-1 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Oneşti 0-0 U Craiova
Sat 27.Nov.1999 - 00:00 Extensiv 3-0 Oţelul
Thu 02.Dec.1999 - 00:00 FCM Bacău 1-1 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Dinamo 2-1 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 FCSB 2-2 Braşov
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 U Craiova 3-0 Farul
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Gl Bistriţa 1-0 Extensiv
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Ceahlăul 0-3 Rapid
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Argeş Piteşti 3-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 04.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Astra 5-0 Oneşti
Sun 05.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Oţelul 3-2 Petrolul
Mon 13.Dec.1999 - 00:00 Argeş Piteşti 4-0 FCSB
Fri 03.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Braşov 2-1 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 04.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Farul 1-1 Astra
Sat 04.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Petrolul 1-2 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 04.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Oneşti 1-0 FCM Bacău
Sat 04.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Extensiv 0-1 Dinamo
Sat 04.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FC Municipal Resita 0-0 U Craiova
Sat 04.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Rocar Bucureşti 3-2 Oţelul
Sun 05.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Rapid 2-2 FCSB
Sun 05.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Progresul Bucureşti 5-1 Ceahlăul
Fri 10.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Oţelul 1-0 Braşov
Sat 11.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 11.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Ceahlăul 6-0 Oneşti
Sat 11.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Argeş Piteşti 0-1 Rapid
Sat 11.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FCM Bacău 1-1 Farul
Sat 11.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Extensiv 0-0 Petrolul
Sat 11.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Astra 2-1 FC Municipal Resita
Sun 12.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Dinamo 5-2 U Craiova
Sun 12.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FCSB 2-3 Progresul Bucureşti
Fri 17.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FC Municipal Resita 1-2 FCM Bacău
Sat 18.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Rapid 2-1 Oţelul
Sat 18.Mar.2000 - 00:00 U Craiova 0-0 Astra
Sat 18.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Farul 1-0 Ceahlăul
Sat 18.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Braşov 4-2 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 18.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Petrolul 1-2 Dinamo
Sat 18.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Rocar Bucureşti 3-1 Extensiv
Sun 19.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Progresul Bucureşti 4-1 Argeş Piteşti
Sun 19.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Oneşti 1-3 FCSB
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Dinamo 2-1 Astra
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FCSB 1-0 Farul
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Oţelul 2-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Gl Bistriţa 1-2 Rapid
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Ceahlăul 4-2 FC Municipal Resita
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Argeş Piteşti 2-0 Oneşti
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FCM Bacău 3-0 U Craiova
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Petrolul 4-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Wed 22.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Extensiv 0-1 Braşov
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Rapid 4-2 Extensiv
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 U Craiova 0-2 Ceahlăul
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Farul 1-0 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Braşov 0-1 Petrolul
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Oneşti 0-3 Oţelul
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 FC Municipal Resita 2-0 FCSB
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Astra 1-0 FCM Bacău
Sat 25.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Rocar Bucureşti 1-2 Dinamo
Sun 26.Mar.2000 - 00:00 Progresul Bucureşti 3-1 Gl Bistriţa
Fri 31.Mar.2000 - 01:00 Oţelul 1-0 Farul
Sat 01.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-0 Oneşti
Sat 01.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 4-0 Astra
Sat 01.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 1-1 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 01.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Petrolul 4-2 Rapid
Sat 01.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Extensiv 1-2 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 01.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 1-0 Braşov
Sun 02.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Dinamo 2-1 FCM Bacău
Sun 02.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FCSB 1-0 U Craiova
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rapid 1-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 U Craiova 3-1 Argeş Piteşti
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 4-1 Petrolul
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Farul 2-1 Gl Bistriţa
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Braşov 4-3 Dinamo
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 2-0 Ceahlăul
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Oneşti 3-2 Extensiv
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 1-2 Oţelul
Wed 05.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Astra 1-0 FCSB
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Dinamo 1-1 Ceahlăul
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Oţelul 1-0 U Craiova
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-0 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Braşov 2-0 Rapid
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 1-1 Astra
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Petrolul 4-1 Oneşti
Sat 08.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Extensiv 1-3 Farul
Sun 09.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FCSB 1-0 FCM Bacău
Sun 09.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 2-1 Progresul Bucureşti
Wed 12.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 1-2 FCSB
Fri 14.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 2-0 Braşov
Sat 15.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rapid 4-0 Dinamo
Sat 15.Apr.2000 - 01:00 U Craiova 3-1 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 15.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Farul 2-1 Petrolul
Sat 15.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 1-0 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 15.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Oneşti 1-5 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 15.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 0-0 Extensiv
Sun 16.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 0-2 FCSB
Sun 16.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Astra 1-1 Oţelul
Fri 21.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Oţelul 3-1 FCM Bacău
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Dinamo 3-2 FCSB
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rapid 3-2 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-0 Astra
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Braşov 5-1 Oneşti
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 1-1 Ceahlăul
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Petrolul 4-2 FC Municipal Resita
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Extensiv 2-3 U Craiova
Sat 22.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 2-0 Farul
Fri 28.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 3-2 Oţelul
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Dinamo 1-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FCSB 0-1 Argeş Piteşti
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 U Craiova 5-1 Petrolul
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Farul 0-0 Braşov
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 3-2 Gl Bistriţa
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Oneşti 2-5 Rapid
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 0-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sat 29.Apr.2000 - 01:00 Astra 1-1 Extensiv
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Rapid 0-0 Farul
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 3-0 Oneşti
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Oţelul 4-5 FCSB
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 5-4 Ceahlăul
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Braşov 4-0 FC Municipal Resita
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 2-3 Dinamo
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Petrolul 1-0 Astra
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Extensiv 0-2 FCM Bacău
Wed 03.May.2000 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 2-2 U Craiova
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 Dinamo 7-1 Oneşti
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 U Craiova 1-0 Braşov
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 Farul 2-0 Progresul Bucureşti
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 Ceahlăul 3-1 Extensiv
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 Argeş Piteşti 3-0 Oţelul
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 FCM Bacău 3-0 Petrolul
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 FC Municipal Resita 0-1 Rapid
Sat 06.May.2000 - 01:00 Astra 3-1 Rocar Bucureşti
Sun 07.May.2000 - 01:00 FCSB 2-1 Gl Bistriţa
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Rapid 3-1 U Craiova
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Progresul Bucureşti 5-1 FC Municipal Resita
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Oţelul 5-3 Dinamo
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Gl Bistriţa 2-0 Argeş Piteşti
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Braşov 2-0 Astra
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Petrolul 1-0 Ceahlăul
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Oneşti 2-1 Farul
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Extensiv 0-3 FCSB
Wed 10.May.2000 - 01:00 Rocar Bucureşti 3-0 FCM Bacău

Standings CURRENT

# Team Points Games W D L GS GC ΔG Sequence
1 Dinamo Bucureşti 84  34 27 3 4 93 40 +53
2 Rapid 72  34 22 6 6 65 38 +27
3 Ceahlăul Piatra Neamţ 57  34 17 6 11 56 48 +8
4 FCSB 57  34 18 3 13 62 56 +6
5 Argeş Piteşti 54  34 16 6 12 44 35 +9
6 Gloria Bistriţa 53  34 17 2 15 54 49 +5
7 FCM Bacău 51  34 15 6 13 40 39 +1
8 Progresul Bucureşti 49  34 15 4 15 61 44 +17
9 Oţelul 49  34 15 4 15 59 55 +4
10 Astra 47  34 13 8 13 43 41 +2
11 Rocar Bucureşti 47  34 15 2 17 52 51 +1
12 Petrolul Ploieşti 47  34 14 5 15 48 55 -7
13 Braşov 46  34 14 4 16 53 43 +10
14 FC Universitatea Craiova 46  34 13 7 14 45 41 +4
15 Farul Constanţa 44  34 12 8 14 38 45 -7
16 Oneşti 30  34 9 3 22 37 92 -55
17 FC Municipal Resita 23  34 5 8 21 35 73 -38
18 Extensiv 17  34 4 5 25 26 66 -40

Stats 1999/2000

Best Offense Dinamo Bucureşti small logo Dinamo Bucureşti 93 Goals
Best Defense Argeş Piteşti small logo Argeş Piteşti 35 Goals
Most Wins Dinamo Bucureşti small logo Dinamo Bucureşti 27 Victories
Most Defeats Extensiv small logo Extensiv 25 Defeats
Most Draws Astra small logo Astra 8 Draws
Total Matches 306 Matches
Total Goals 911 Goals
Goals/game 2.98 G/game

Frequently asked questions

The team with the best attack of Liga I is CFR Cluj, with 56 goals scored in 30 matches.

The top scorer of Liga I is Louis Munteanu of CFR Cluj, with 19 goals scored (4 of which were penalties) in 25 matches.

Currently, in the Liga I 2024/2025 553 goals have been scored in 240 matches, an average of 2.3 goals per match.


Liga I - 1999/2000

  • 100% 306 / 306 Games

  • Home team wins 65.36%
  • Draws 14.71%
  • Away team wins 19.93%
  • Over 1.5 77.12%
  • Over 2.5 57.52%
  • Over 3.5 33.01%
  • Goals 911
  • Goals /match 2.98
  • Goals /match home 1.99
  • Goals /match away 0.99
  • Both teams score 52.61%
  • Goals after 80' 0%
View all

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