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Eliteserien 1997


winner Winner
Top goal scorer
Uruguay small flag Joaquín Pereyra Joaquín Pereyra (0 Goals), Uruguay small flag Jorge Ramírez Frostte Jorge Ramírez Frostte (0 Goals), Uruguay small flag Bruno Giménez Migliónico Bruno Giménez Migliónico (0 Goals)


Sat 12.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 4-1 Lillestrøm
Sun 13.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 1-1 Tromsø
Sun 13.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 1-2 Kongsvinger
Sun 13.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 1-1 Brann
Sun 13.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 4-0 Skeid
Sun 13.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Viking 2-2 Sogndal
Sat 19.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 2-1 Rosenborg
Sun 20.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Brann 3-1 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 20.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 2-1 Haugesund
Sun 20.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 2-0 Molde
Sun 20.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 1-2 Viking
Sun 20.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 2-1 Lyn
Fri 25.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 0-1 Lillestrøm
Fri 25.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 3-0 Sogndal
Fri 25.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 0-0 Tromsø
Fri 25.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 0-3 Molde
Fri 25.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 0-0 Kongsvinger
Fri 25.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Viking 0-0 Lyn
Sat 26.Apr.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 0-4 Brann
Sat 03.May.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 2-2 Rosenborg
Sun 04.May.1997 - 01:00 Brann 4-2 Skeid
Sun 04.May.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 0-1 Strømsgodset
Sun 04.May.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 3-0 Haugesund
Sun 04.May.1997 - 01:00 Molde 0-0 Viking
Sun 04.May.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 0-3 Stabæk
Sun 04.May.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 2-1 Bodø/Glimt
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 4-0 Kongsvinger
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Molde 0-2 Brann
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 5-0 Sogndal
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 5-1 Lillestrøm
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 1-1 Lyn
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 3-2 Tromsø
Thu 08.May.1997 - 01:00 Viking 0-2 Haugesund
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Brann 1-4 Viking
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 0-1 Stabæk
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 4-2 Strømsgodset
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 1-1 Molde
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 0-5 Rosenborg
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 1-2 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 11.May.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 2-2 Skeid
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 1-0 Lyn
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Brann 1-2 Lillestrøm
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Molde 2-1 Tromsø
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 5-0 Haugesund
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 0-2 Kongsvinger
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 3-1 Sogndal
Fri 16.May.1997 - 01:00 Viking 5-1 Stabæk
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 1-1 Bodø/Glimt
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 1-3 Molde
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 2-0 Viking
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 1-3 Strømsgodset
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 1-2 Skeid
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 0-3 Rosenborg
Mon 19.May.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 3-0 Brann
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 1-1 Stabæk
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Brann 3-1 Kongsvinger
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 1-1 Tromsø
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Molde 2-0 Sogndal
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 3-0 Lyn
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 1-0 Haugesund
Sun 25.May.1997 - 01:00 Viking 1-1 Rosenborg
Thu 29.May.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 4-0 Molde
Thu 29.May.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 2-1 Skeid
Thu 29.May.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 0-1 Strømsgodset
Thu 29.May.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 1-1 Lyn
Thu 29.May.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 1-1 Viking
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Brann 0-0 Lyn
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 1-3 Sogndal
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Molde 1-0 Haugesund
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 1-3 Stabæk
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 1-5 Rosenborg
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 2-1 Kongsvinger
Sun 01.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Viking 4-2 Bodø/Glimt
Wed 04.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 0-1 Stabæk
Sun 15.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 2-1 Strømsgodset
Sun 15.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 0-1 Brann
Sun 15.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 5-1 Skeid
Sun 15.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 2-2 Tromsø
Sun 15.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 0-1 Molde
Sun 15.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Viking 1-0 Kongsvinger
Wed 18.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 2-0 Lillestrøm
Wed 18.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 1-3 Molde
Wed 18.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 2-0 Tromsø
Wed 18.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 1-0 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 22.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 1-0 Brann
Sun 22.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 1-2 Haugesund
Sun 22.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Molde 0-4 Rosenborg
Sun 22.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 0-1 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 22.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 0-2 Viking
Sun 22.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 2-0 Lyn
Sun 29.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Brann 1-2 Rosenborg
Sun 29.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Molde 2-1 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 29.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 1-5 Strømsgodset
Sun 29.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 1-1 Viking
Sun 29.Jun.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 1-0 Haugesund
Wed 02.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Brann 5-1 Stabæk
Wed 02.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 0-4 Lillestrøm
Wed 02.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 2-1 Sogndal
Sun 06.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 0-3 Brann
Sun 06.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 5-2 Sogndal
Sun 06.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 3-0 Lillestrøm
Sun 06.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Molde 2-0 Strømsgodset
Sun 06.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Viking 4-0 Skeid
Sun 13.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Brann 4-1 Strømsgodset
Sun 13.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 3-1 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 13.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 4-4 Viking
Sun 13.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Molde 3-3 Skeid
Sun 13.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 2-1 Haugesund
Sun 13.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 1-1 Rosenborg
Wed 23.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 3-3 Kongsvinger
Wed 23.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 0-2 Stabæk
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 5-1 Tromsø
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 1-0 Lyn
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 3-1 Kongsvinger
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 1-1 Brann
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 1-0 Sogndal
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 4-2 Lillestrøm
Sun 27.Jul.1997 - 01:00 Viking 2-3 Molde
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Brann 0-4 Molde
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 1-0 Viking
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 0-0 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 2-2 Skeid
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 0-1 Stabæk
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 0-7 Rosenborg
Sun 03.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 1-1 Strømsgodset
Sat 09.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Molde 1-1 Lillestrøm
Sat 09.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Viking 0-0 Brann
Sun 10.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 1-0 Sogndal
Sun 10.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 5-1 Lyn
Sun 10.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 0-4 Tromsø
Sun 10.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 2-1 Haugesund
Sun 10.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 8-0 Kongsvinger
Wed 13.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 1-2 Stabæk
Sat 23.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 2-6 Rosenborg
Sat 23.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 2-2 Brann
Sat 23.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 2-1 Viking
Sun 24.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 3-0 Skeid
Sun 24.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 1-2 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 24.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 3-3 Strømsgodset
Sun 24.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 4-4 Molde
Sat 30.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Viking 0-1 Lillestrøm
Sun 31.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 1-1 Haugesund
Sun 31.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Brann 4-3 Tromsø
Sun 31.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Molde 0-1 Kongsvinger
Sun 31.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 5-0 Stabæk
Sun 31.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 1-3 Sogndal
Sun 31.Aug.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 6-1 Lyn
Sat 13.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 1-3 Lillestrøm
Sun 14.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 1-1 Strømsgodset
Sun 14.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 4-6 Brann
Sun 14.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 2-0 Skeid
Sun 14.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 2-2 Viking
Sun 14.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 3-3 Molde
Sun 14.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 1-1 Bodø/Glimt
Sat 20.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 2-2 Rosenborg
Sun 21.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Brann 4-1 Sogndal
Sun 21.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 1-3 Kongsvinger
Sun 21.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Molde 3-0 Lyn
Sun 21.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 0-3 Haugesund
Sun 21.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 2-0 Stabæk
Sun 21.Sep.1997 - 01:00 Viking 1-1 Tromsø
Sat 04.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 6-1 Strømsgodset
Sun 05.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 0-3 Viking
Sun 05.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 2-1 Molde
Sun 05.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 3-1 Tromsø
Sun 05.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 1-5 Brann
Sun 05.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 2-0 Lillestrøm
Sun 05.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 3-0 Skeid
Sat 11.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Molde 4-1 Stabæk
Sun 12.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Brann 3-2 Haugesund
Sun 12.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Kongsvinger 3-1 Viking
Sun 12.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Lillestrøm 2-0 Lyn
Sun 12.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Skeid 0-5 Rosenborg
Sun 12.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Strømsgodset 1-1 Bodø/Glimt
Sun 12.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Tromsø 0-1 Sogndal
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Bodø/Glimt 4-1 Skeid
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Haugesund 1-0 Lillestrøm
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Lyn 4-0 Tromsø
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Rosenborg 2-1 Molde
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Sogndal 2-1 Kongsvinger
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Stabæk 0-1 Brann
Sun 19.Oct.1997 - 01:00 Viking 1-3 Strømsgodset

Standings CURRENT

# Team Points Games W D L GS GC ΔG Sequence
1 Rosenborg 61  26 18 7 1 87 20 +67
2 Brann 50  26 15 5 6 59 37 +22
3 Strømsgodset 46  26 14 4 8 58 44 +14
4 Molde 45  26 13 6 7 47 36 +11
5 Stabæk 43  26 13 4 9 33 35 -2
6 Kongsvinger 38  26 11 5 10 43 48 -5
7 Bodø / Glimt 37  26 10 7 9 39 34 +5
8 Viking 34  26 8 10 8 42 34 +8
9 Haugesund 32  26 9 5 12 31 38 -7
10 Lillestrøm 32  26 9 5 12 34 43 -9
11 Sogndal 29  26 8 5 13 34 56 -22
12 Tromsø 28  26 6 10 10 37 44 -7
13 Lyn 17  26 4 5 17 28 58 -30
14 Skeid 13  26 3 4 19 27 72 -45
  • Champions League qualifiers
  • UEFA Cup
  • Intertoto Cup
  • Relegation Play-off
  • Relegation

Stats 1997

Best Offense Rosenborg small logo Rosenborg 87 Goals
Best Defense Rosenborg small logo Rosenborg 20 Goals
Most Wins Rosenborg small logo Rosenborg 18 Victories
Most Defeats Skeid small logo Skeid 19 Defeats
Most Draws Viking small logo Viking 10 Draws
Top goal scorer Peñarol small logoJoaquín Pereyra ... Goals
Most Yellows Peñarol small logoJoaquín Pereyra ... Cards
Most Reds Peñarol small logoJoaquín Pereyra ... Cards
Most Minutes Peñarol small logoJoaquín Pereyra ... 90 Minutes
Total Matches 182 Matches
Total Goals 599 Goals
Goals/game 3.29 G/game

Frequently asked questions

The team with the best attack of Eliteserien is Bodø / Glimt, with 71 goals scored in 30 matches.

The top scorer of Eliteserien is Kristian Eriksen of Molde, with 14 goals scored in 28 matches.

Currently, in the Eliteserien 2024 681 goals have been scored in 240 matches, an average of 2.84 goals per match.


Eliteserien - 1997

  • 100% 182 / 182 Games

  • Home team wins 46.15%
  • Draws 22.53%
  • Away team wins 31.32%
  • Over 1.5 82.42%
  • Over 2.5 62.64%
  • Over 3.5 41.21%
  • Goals 599
  • Goals /match 3.29
  • Goals /match home 1.83
  • Goals /match away 1.46
  • Both teams score 56.59%
  • Goals after 80' 0%
View all

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