Bookmaker Paddy Power will support the fight against coronavirus in the UK.
Paddy Power supports campaign against Covid-19
The bookmaker Paddy Power decided to show solidarity in the fight against Covid-19 in the United Kingdom and took some plausible measures. The company said that, in addition to participating in campaigns, it will concede some of its closed physical spaces to serve as temporary vaccination centers. Altogether there are 345 company stores spread across the country, in addition to a considerable number of employees who will be on hand to assist in the campaign.
One of Paddy Power's representatives in this campaign, explained the company's role in this mobilization: “The sooner we can be vaccinated, the sooner we can get back to our lives. See the family and then take a break from them to watch football or go to the bar.”
In the United Kingdom there is a campaign to help with the vaccination process, in which large companies are participating in this chain. In addition to Paddy Power, we can mention: BT (telephone company), Sky TV, Hilton Hotels, British Airways, Morrisons supermarket chains and Wetherspoon pubs, among others. These companies alone add up to more than 500 thousand employees, who were motivated to sign up to act as volunteers in the chain, which has national appeal.
Across the UK there are already more than 22,000 people signed up to assist in the vaccine application process, helping the sites that will serve as vaccination centers against Covid-19 function in an organized manner. This number, added to the employees of the networks mentioned in the article, will be of paramount importance to achieve the goal of The Sun's campaign, to vaccinate 15 million people in the next 3 months.
The campaign made official by The Sun is called “Jabs Army”, with the aim of helping the national health service to recruit volunteers to work in various areas that the vaccination process will require.
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